Something that I realized is that birthdays are really for moms. It's the culmination of 9 months of carrying
excess weight and having to eat healthy. And all I ever did was come out.
Celebrating today is my way of saying, "Look mom! The baby you struggled to push out of your belly, the one who cried everyday you brought her to school (and who cried every time she was fetched late), the one you had to stay up for just to make sure she finishes her projects, the one who had to keep asking for more money in college, the same one who still asks you to sew the holes in her clothes every time she goes home... She actually survived 25 years! And is doing pretty okay. Isn't that cool?"
And what makes it even more special is the fact that our birthdays are just 2 days apart ;) I love you, Mom! You're the best! Happy birthday to us:) (p.s. thanks too, Dad!hihi)